How to Choose Fencing Contractors
All homes require fencing of some kind, both around the boundaries and sometimes internally as well. For instance, you will need to fence off a swimming pool, but you may also require fencing around a vegetable garden or driveway. While fences are not that difficult to install, it will certainly save you time and effort to hire fencing contractors to do the job.
As with most tradesmen, you will need to ensure your fence tradesmen have a good reputation and don’t charge too much. You can usually get a good idea of who is popular by asking your friends, neighbours or hardware stores in the vicinity, where they would be known for purchasing their supplies.
Once you get a few names, contact them to see what they have to offer. Not all such contractors would do residential fences; some would concentrate on doing jobs for industrial or commercial businesses. Even those who do residential fences may not offer the variety of styles you would like to see.
If your home is of a particular style or era, certain fence types would suit it better than others. Then again, you may only be interested in the kind of fence that offers the best security. Every block of land is different and your needs may be quite different from your neighbour’s needs.
Your fence may need to be one that keeps pets or children safely inside. If your toddler is a climber, it will have to be the kind of fence that leaves no place for little toes to balance on. If your dogs dig holes, they could well dig under a fence, so you may need secure concrete footings. These are the kinds of things to think about when choosing a fence.
Once you’ve found the companies that can offer you the kind of fence you want, it is time to send them a quote and compare prices. But don’t just pick the cheapest offer. If one company is a great deal cheaper than others, they may intend to cut back on the quality of the work. Make sure you are specific about the kind of quality you need, as well as the type of fence.
In fact, it is better to pay a little extra to get a good job done than to go cheap and risk the job not being done properly, or done with poor quality materials.
You may be able to reduce the cost by clearing the fence line, or by offering to help out in some way. For instance, if the fence is of timber, you could be the one to paint it. Just make sure you really do have enough time to do it, otherwise it is likely to be put off and before you know it the timber will be starting to decompose due to the weather conditions.